Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Follow Jesus 2011

So... I was watching Lucca the other day and something she said reminded me of the old song "I have decided to follow Jesus", so on my way home, with it in my head, I thought it would be cool to be redone. So I started thinking of different beats that could go with it and such. Then went home and got my guitar and played some chords that I can uh... actually sorta play on the guitar, lol, and started writing it. I put the music and beat to the original first and second verse, then wrote the bridge or vamp, whatever you wanna call it. A day or so later, I was singing it on my way somewhere and "Jesus Loves me" popped into my head, I thought maybe it would sound cool with the chords I had already written and... put it together!
I've been trying to teach Lucca songs and such and she's starting to do I little more singing than she had. Kristy got back from vacation and told me how she was sitting there, singing Jesus Loves me, to herself and how precious it was. Made me proud :)

Here's to 2011 and Keepin' on, Keepin' on!

God Bless



  1. love the song! its great! and so is the video
    you have a lot of talent and God will bless you even more

  2. Thanks a bunch! ^_^
    Praise be to God.
